Friday, March 27, 2009

Have I ever been a morning person?

No! That's why it's 1am and I'm up making bows. It's peaceful. Everyone else is asleep. I've never ever EVER been a morning person. Actually, I've never been one to wake up early unless it involves something super fun. Like a vacation or something.

I'm working on my new project bows. I'm going to start an Etsy shop! Woohoo! I'm going to make bows just for that shop and separate ones just for my site...unless of course I sell more through Etsy then bye bye site haha! Right now it's just easier for me to keep them separate when I store them. I think I need a bigger storage container.

Crap. I'm almost out of clippies again too! And hot glue. Poop. Have I really gone through almost 300 clippies? I guess so! Of course there's those bad ones that didn't turn out and the ones I gave to Maddie so not all are for sale. She has to have them too!

Well, no bows for me tomorrow. We're going out of town for the night so I'll have to start my shop Saturday night when we get back. We're not getting up to leave early though. Ha!


Steph said...

So you didn't like getting up early to come visit me?? haha!

Stephanie said...

Well, that was super fun. Except when I get sick by Nashville haha!