Saturday, April 11, 2009

A few new things

I was bored so this is what I came up with.

Sweet Maddie Rae passed out cold on the floor makes a good model. :)

The bow or the flower look? Which ever you choose!

On a clippie:

From the other day:

This was a bit big for her head. It could have covered the big gash on her head when she tripped and went flying into their kitchen set. Nice. She's not very graceful. haha!

These are not on my site for sale yet. I'll probably do that on Sunday night when we get back from our Easter weekend with grandma and papa!

I should probably get to sleep now! It's only just after 2am and we need to leave no later than 8:30 in the morning. Stupid sinus headache. Stupid allergies. I love warmer weather but who needs things that produce pollen? It's turning into a migraine so I think I'll go hop in a hot shower and wait for the Excedrin to kick in. I know. Exciting stuff. At least I gave the kids some meds so they don't have to worry about their allergies tomorrow!