Thursday, June 25, 2009


I really made some new bows and clips!

and get this...I've ALREADY listed them on Etsy! I'm just on a roll today!

I've recruited the hubs to take photos for me. I hate hate hate doing that so from now on anything else I post on Etsy will be taken by him! Yay! It's just so time consuming. I'll have more later on!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Dang. I closed the window.

I had this all typed out just waiting to publish after I listed my last Etsy listing. Oh well.

I just listed four new items in my Etsy shop! Just a few simple clippies. I need to get more alligator clips and more headbands. I also made a woven barrette with the leftover ribbon from my last headband! I think es muy bueno!! I put all my headbands and the one barrette in my mother-in-law's garage sale so when we get our things back on Wednesday night I'll list what I have left! It's a surprise! I'm not sure what sold but I was told that I did sell some of it! Oh, the suspense!

Here's what I just listed. SMR and I are heading out in search of more headbands, clips, and whatever else we come across. I'm in a clippie making mood this week!

While you're waiting for Wednesday night (okay early Thursday morning probably) I've gotten rid of the discount section and just I've lowered prices! These things don't need to be super expensive right?

Also, next Tuesday through Thursday I'm going camping so any orders will be mailed Monday or Friday!