Monday, March 30, 2009

My store is open!

Yay! I created a store woohoo!

Now I need to go to bed haha! I'll be adding more later though.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Have I ever been a morning person?

No! That's why it's 1am and I'm up making bows. It's peaceful. Everyone else is asleep. I've never ever EVER been a morning person. Actually, I've never been one to wake up early unless it involves something super fun. Like a vacation or something.

I'm working on my new project bows. I'm going to start an Etsy shop! Woohoo! I'm going to make bows just for that shop and separate ones just for my site...unless of course I sell more through Etsy then bye bye site haha! Right now it's just easier for me to keep them separate when I store them. I think I need a bigger storage container.

Crap. I'm almost out of clippies again too! And hot glue. Poop. Have I really gone through almost 300 clippies? I guess so! Of course there's those bad ones that didn't turn out and the ones I gave to Maddie so not all are for sale. She has to have them too!

Well, no bows for me tomorrow. We're going out of town for the night so I'll have to start my shop Saturday night when we get back. We're not getting up to leave early though. Ha!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Boredom & not really related to clippies

Hmm...What to talk about tonight? I made new clippies and put them up for sale this afternoon. I bought some new ribbon for even MORE bows and clippies. I put new music on my blog. You like no? Alex, my mom and I saw James Otto in concert last summer. (he's hot) lol

I can't wait until May 8 & 9. We're having a rummage sale and I'm going to sell my stuff there. I hope it does well. Maddie approves. She loves her "dippies" in her hair. I should have her model some. Alex approves, too. I was trying to find ways to include him so he got to pick out the site colors and the ribbon colors.

There's a few more things I want to make someday. I'd like to find the supplies locally, though. Joann's didn't have them tonight though so oh well. I don't want to order online because if I can't "get it" then I don't want to be stuck with tons of supplies that I can't use.

What other random thoughts do I have for tonight?....

Maddie is sick I think. I was really sick last week (and the antibiotics made me better but feel worse hooray! *insert sarcasm here* haha. She's got what I started out with. At least she made it to 19 mos without getting sick. Alex was 15 mos I think when he got his first ear infection. I'm happy my kids don't get sick a lot. I thought Alex would get something from being in preschool but he's only missed one day due to sickness and he got it from me ha! Anyhow, Maddie is still up and congested so she's sitting up with me at 12:30 am. Poor baby.

Someday it'll warm up here right? Please? The snow is almost all gone with all the rain we had last night but 40 is just not warm enough. We're desperate to play outside for hours on end. D.E.S.P.E.R.A.T.E. Plus Alex is looking forward to seeing Thomas the Train in June. (me too heehee) .

Well, here's some new clippies. Oh! I also bought some non-slip grip for them now! Score! Okay well it's just shelf liner but that's what people use sometimes right? I bought a light tan color. I've seen black and white but I thought the light tan would be great in hair because if it shows at all it won't be as noticeable as white or black right? haha. I need some sleep.


More later!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Stay Tuned

If my site looks funky for a bit it's because I'm updating! Stay tuned! I hope to finish it tonight.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sniff Sniff

I've been neglecting, I know. I've been sick though. I'm on some antibiotics and I think they're finally working. I can smell today and I think I smell....
Isnt my new way of taking their photos fabulous? I love it! It works great for close ups.

I've also started partially lining all the clippies.

They hold much easier. I might put no slip grips on them someday. We'll see.
Well, here's the newbies for today. They're not even on the site yet!
Photobucket PhotobucketPhotobucket

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

New New Site!

Yay! I gave my site a different spot just in case I want to upgrade someday. It's now at

All my premade clips should be listed! I'm excited to have that finished. It was hard work. Lots of photo taking and retaking. Now all I have to do is make more and update!

Sorry there's no sales yet. Maybe I'll make some Easter stuff. I should also find a way to advertise. Maybe Etsy?

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Oh no!

PANIC!! I'm out of alligator clips. Oh no!! 100 clips in a box just aren't what they used to be lol! I should go get more as soon as Scott gets home. Sally's is only open until 5pm so that will only give me about 30 mins by the time he gets here. Luckily, they're right down the block. It'll be good to get out of the house for a few minutes and away from my kids. They're squeezing the last bit of life out of my very last nerve. Actually, I think they're letting it survive on purpose just to irritate me. I don't even care that it's snowing out. I'll take that risk to drive a few residential blocks for more clips so long as it means I go alone lol!

Also, I think I've decided not to make korker bows. They take waaaay too much ribbon. I'm going to stick with the other clip types and only make korkers if they're requested.

Now I need to go redo my site! I have a bunch of clippies to take photos of for a premade page. I also have some ideas for new clips. I hope they turn out cute!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

New Site!

My site is up!

Only a few things don't work yet. I need to take better photos of what I already have made. I love it. ha! I hope it works out. Now on to some sales and stuff!


No bows today! I didn't feel very well. I don't even know why I'm still awake! Maybe tomorrow (or actually, later on today haha!) Had a "head a hake" as Alex says and the kids and their fighting didn't help. Either did the nap. Ah ha! That's why I'm still awake now.

I have the korkers made. I just need to put them all together.

To bed now! Until I return, enjoy the music!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Tonight, I made more clippies. They're soooo easy...except when you buy self-stick ribbon. Grr. I should have looked at that. At least it came off easy. Here's what I made tonight:


My Little Model

Later on today...Korkers!!! Here's a preview:
St. Patrick's Day on a ponytail holder
Easter on a clip

My plans for korkers today are rainbows, ladybugs, and watermelon! Yes, I live in Wisconsin and there's snow so I need to make it more appealing some how right? Bring on the spring and summer colors!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I can blog!!! Well, I just started making hair bows and clips. Maddie is already asking for some "popo bows" (purple bows) for her "ha" (hair). How cute is that? I think I'm addicted! I just bought some more ribbon today for more clips so check back! Click on the thumbnails for a larger preview.

These are my "firsts."

These are the "seconds" (haha-I'm not going to keep track after this.)

Happy Birthday

More to come...