Thursday, April 2, 2009 I am!

I finally created my Etsy store! Check it out HERE!

There's only a handful of things. Everything I have for sale currently is on my ecrater store. The link is to the right and down a bit. No...your other right. Over there ---> :)

I was messing around the other day. I thought I'd start making some bows so I tried with this one:

Oooh! I love it! Sorry. I only have Badgers right now. I think I'm going to make more!

Now that I've put everything I've made in my store I can make more! I'd like to thank the wonderful husband for being my inventory control specialist. I write item numbers on the back of all the card holders so he organized them for me so uploading their photos was easier. *Muah*

Someday it'll be warm out and I can dress up my Sweet Maddie Rae and take some photos of her outside modeling. Someday...*sigh*

What else happened today? While looking over the store with Alex he noticed the title and asked what it said. I said "Sweet Maddie Rae's." He asked, "Where's MY stuff?" Way to rip my heart out, buddy. I have an idea for something that can be his own "line" in the store. I hope it works. I'll find out tomorrow night so stay tuned!