Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Yes again! I've redone my website! It is now Sweet Maddie Rae's Hair Boutique Discount! You can get all my flubs and blunders there for cheap-o! Oh the shame. How embarrassing. Okay, so not everything I make is great (but dang near)! These have their flaws but their not MAJOR flaws. Still wearable.

Check them out HERE

I finally got what I needed added to my Etsy store HERE

and when ecrater is done messing around with updates I'll be able to put everything else in that store HERE

My next project is finding ways to display everything for my upcoming rummage sale May 8th and 9th. I have A LOT. No lie. The ideas keep coming, too. I also want to do some special gift sets and I have some ideas to make some holders thanks to my other delayed idea. I need some D rings. About 20 of them. Walmart doesn't have them and either did our hardware store. I knooow! You'd think they would but I sent the husband and he even ASKED and they didn't have them. This has caused confusion and delay (heehee)! They were needed for A.J.'s line in the shop. His "where's my name?" question is still haunting me and making me feel bad. Maybe I'll look again tomorrow for something. He will have something to call his own. Oh yes. He will.


Steph said...

Yay for discount stores!! I like the ice cream bow! You've probably thought of this idea to display stuff with already, but what if you took some of the ribbon you use and clip some of the clippies to it and hang it from somewhere?

Anonymous said...

Ohh!! Hahahaha! I did think of it today even!!! Did you see my Facebook photo I posted today? With the bow board I made for Maddie's bows? Totally read your mind and did the project before I even read your commment.
Weeeird. lol!

Steph said...

I think it has to do with having the same name, lol.